Construction Insurance


A key part of managing risk with a major project is ensuring you have appropriate and sufficient insurance to protect your organisation from unforeseen events.

Led by Partner Patrick Mead, our construction insurance team provides high-level strategic advice for insureds, self-insured companies, public and significant private companies operating within the construction, projects, and mining industries.

Our team is highly specialised and has significant experience with policy interpretation, insurance management, and claims. We advise on all aspects of insurance coverage.

In the specialised area of construction Insurance, our team predominantly supports two streams – Contractors’ All Risk (CAR) insurance (including defective structure and product claims arising in construction projects) and Professional Indemnity for construction professionals (specifically engineers, architects, and surveyors).

We have been involved in some of Australia’s largest construction and engineering claims, acting for industry participants as well as insurers.

With three decades of specialist construction insurance expertise, our team brings an immediate level of industry knowledge and understanding to claims and policy interpretation.


  • Contract All Risks (CAR)
  • Erection All Risks (EAR)
  • Industrial Special Risks (ISR)
  • Construction professional liability
  • Contract claims management
  • Defective building claims and workmanship
  • Defence of litigated claims
  • Defence of subrogated proceedings
  • Environmental Impairment Liability
  • Interpretation of policy exclusions
  • Material damage
  • Policy coverage and terms and conditions
  • Product claims
  • Project coverage / insurance
  • First party property
  • Subrogated recovery actions

The team

Featured insight

First Party Insurance in Australia: Legal Essays

Written by Partner, Patrick Mead, this collection of 12 essays is intended as a valuable resource for insurers of first party risks, and their advisors, brokers, loss adjustors, third party administrators, and other insurance industry professionals.

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First Party Insurance in Australia: Legal Essays

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Insurance Policy Exclusion for ‘Flood’: Landel Pty Ltd & Anor v Insurance Australia Ltd [2021] QSC 247

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