Andrew Persijn
Andrew Persijn

Andrew Persijn

Special Counsel

About Andrew

Andrew has over nine years of experience defending a wide range of claims against real estate agents in Queensland, New South Wales and the Northern Territory.

Andrew acts in matters ranging from general property and injury liability claims to defamation and fidelity claims. He specialises in insurance-related matters, including professional indemnity claims, and advises in regards to all aspects of claims including policy interpretation and indemnity, liability and quantum. He has been involved in personal injury claims in Queensland and New South Wales as well as mismanagement and general advice in the Northern Territory.

In addition, Andrew has acted for real estate agents in defending claims involving allegations of misleading and deceptive conduct in the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT), breaches of the Property Occupations Act 2014 (Qld) (formerly Property and Motor Dealers Act 2000 (Qld)) and the mismanagement of properties. He also provides advice on policy construction and interpretation to underwriters and insureds.

Andrew's areas
of expertise and industry focus

Areas of expertise



Industry focus

Professional recognition


The Best Lawyers in Australia – Professional Malpractice Litigation

Latest insights by Andrew

Australian Civil Liability Guide (12th edition)

1 August 2023
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Property and Real Estate Gazette (5th edition)

1 May 2020
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