Australian Carriers’ Liability Guide

Australian Carriers’ Liability Guide

Carter Newell is proud to release our first edition of the Australian Carriers’ Liability Guide.

The focus of this Guide is on domestic carriage and the civil liability laws that regulate it. The publication is broken into three parts.

Part 1: Commercial carriage of passengers
Part 2: Surface damage from aircraft
Part 3: Common law and civil liability legislation applicable to carriers

The creation of this Guide is to provide carriers, passengers, owners, operators, pilots, insurers and brokers with a practical guide to Australian carriers’ liability laws.

As this is a reference tool, care should always be taken to ensure that in applying any of the legislation, you have fully considered the commencement and full application provisions of the relevant legislation. You should also bear in mind that as we have endeavoured to draw out the most significant points, not all aspects of the legislation have been considered.

We are confident you will find this Guide a helpful resource and we expect further updates as more developments are expected in future years.

To view an extract of this Guide, please click here. To request the full version of this publication, please send an email to [email protected].

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